Marta Hatter, LCSW

Anxiety and Panic

Anxiety symptoms fall into three categories: physiological, cognitive and emotional. If you are experiencing anxiety, the most important first step is to schedule a physical with your M. D. to rule out any medical causes of the symptoms.

Physiological symptoms:

weak all over
rapid, pounding heartbeat or palpitations
tightness around the chest
dizziness and sweating
muscle tension, aches or tremors
chronic fatigue
Cognitive symptoms:
Do you think to yourself?
I can't carry on. I have to get out of here
What if I make a fool of myself?
People are looking at me all the time
I am having a heart attack
I am going to faint
I am going crazy
I am confused, losing control
Emotional symptoms:
Feeling like something terrible is going to happen
Being full of fears that fill your mind
Worrying excessively
Feeling uneasy and alone a lot of the time
Feeling isolated, down in the dumps, without control
Feeling embarrassed, rejected, criticized

Anxiety Disorders may be successfully treated by psychotherapy, and often a combination of therapy and medication. Research provides strong data to support successful treatment.