Andrew Wolfe, LMP, MMS

Medical Massage and Insurance Coverage

Medical massage therapy is recognized as a health care provision under rehabilitation outpatient coverage under most major medical plans. Specific plan coverage’s vary according to the benefit package your plan and/or employer offer. Medical massage therapy definition is the ability to heal, restore and improve function which was other wise compromised due to illness,injury,disease or surgery. It must be a part of a treatment plan your primary care provider recommends as medically necessary to restore lost function.
Provisions are also given towards motor vehicle accident (PIP)and worker's compensation-labor and industry (L&I), job injury recovery care claims. Like wise, verification and preauthorization must be met prior to starting care.
The variation of massage therapy are vast, according to the training and experience of the licensed massage therapist. State laws are in place for licensing and certification. When looking for a therapists, find one with further education beyond the standard education and training as well as, consider their skill level, when seeking out care. When injured you should seek out a massage therapist with skill, training and experience compatible with the injuries and sustained ailments that you have. For instance, you would not want to seek out a massage therapist who specializes in spa massage. Injury treatment is specialized and has specific protocol and training, whereas spa massage does not. Insurance companies WILL NOT recognize a "feel good" spa approach as a medical procedure. A consumer should also ask about how is the facility or practice run, what kind of specialized training do they have, what kinds of clinical and/or experience have they have in treating specific dysfunctions. Recommendations from your primary health care provider, local hospitals are a good resource to find an experienced therapist. There is also a number of organizations such as the American Massage Therapy Association that has a referral source of massage therapists available at
For the best results, advocate self-education and consumer awareness. As well as have a proactive approach. Be a willing participate in your healing and recovery will happen.

This information was supplied by Andrew Wolfe,LMP of Harmony Licensed Massage Therapy a medical massage therapist with 25 years of local, full time clinical private practice; since 1987.With expertise in the field of rehabilitation medical massage therapy he has advanced himself beyond the standard training and clinical experience. He has produced audio book of health and massage therapy as well as a U Tube video. For more information about this or other topics please visit;

Copy write by Andrew Wolfe, LMP