Riverside Orthopaedic Massage Center

Benefits of Dermaplaning

For years men have reaped the benefit of shaving their face with wonderfully exfoliated skin, great texture and smooth appearance, here in Southwest Florida savvy women are following suit and replicating these benefits with a skin care treatment called dermaplaning.

Dermaplaning – also referred to as epidermal leveling, dermablading and blading – is a type of manual exfoliation of the skin that is typically offered in plastic surgeons, dermatologist’s offices and medispas. The procedure is safely performed by using a No. 10 surgical steel blade. The blade is held against the skin at a 45-degree angle and stroked gently against the skin surface just like shaving. The practitioner does light, feathery stroking while holding the the skin taught. Areas treated are the face not including the nose, eyelids, neck and chest.

Natalie Suero, aesthetician and owner of Natalie’s Skin Solutions in South Fort Myers says this gentle procedure removes the skin’s hard dull outer layer and it is left with more refined, smooth texture and glowing appearance. A typical treatment lasts between 15 and 20 minutes.

Other benefits of dermaplaning includes the removal of vellus, or blonde, fine hairs from the face.

For those who are concerned the hair will grow back thicker and darker, this is not the case.

“Cutting hair off at the surface does not change the integrity of the hair if the original hair is superficial vellus hair. This hair will remain the same texture and color as it was before treatment,” she said.

“Dermaplaning also helps to facilitate product absorption – up to 60 percent and so clients end up using less. It’s a great addition to home maintenance,” Suero said.

For upkeep, she recommends having the treatment done just once a month as it actually removes two to three weeks of worth of dead skin cells.

“We want the skin to complete its normal skin cycle of approximately 30 days,” Suero said.

Dermaplaning is recommended for people dealing with rough, dry skin or superficial hyperpigmentation. It can also be performed on all skin types with the exception of those with acneic skin.

Nicole Juarbe an aesthetician at the Aesthetic Surgery Center and Face Spa in Naples says dermaplaning is very hot right now. Women enjoy the physical exfoliation that men have been getting by shaving with razors.

“We get great results by combining a dermaplaning treatment and applying an acid gel comprised 20 percent salicyclic acid and mandelic acid that is buffered. This blend works on most skin types,” she said.

Annette Arnold of Fort Myers gets dermaplaning done once a month as part of her regular beauty regimen.

“I love how my makeup goes on after this procedure. It helps the cosmetics stay truer longer after doesn’t end up looking crepey by building up in the creases.”