Natalie Mitlyansky, DC, ND, MD

Herbs for Healthy Circulation


Condition of our blood vessels is really very important for normal function of our body, it effects blood supply to different tissues and organs. Nutrients, hormones, enzymes and million different substances are distributed through blood vessels, waste material brought by blood to the kidney, colon and skin for clearance.
Herbal therapy of vascular system was used for many years by herbalist with success.
I will talk about herbal therapy recommended by two companies: MediHerb and Standard Process which I use in my practice.
Core support:
Ginkgo- for brain, cognitive and circulatory support.
Gingko enhances circulation to the brain, heart ears, eyes and extremities, promote short time memory and mental alertness.
May be helpful in cases of dementia, vertigo, tinnitus eye disease ( diabetic retinopathy) and early onset of Alzheimer’s. Excellent for the students on exam days up to 6 tablets /day.
Regular Ginkgo intake has been linked with bleeding episodes, and potential interaction of Ginkgo with anticoagulant drugs was reviewed, as a result of this MediHerb company states that there is lack of evidence of Ginkgo interactions with anticoagulant drugs and bleeding as a result of this.
If there is cognitive deficit, synergist to Ginkgo will be Bacopa complex, this supplement has ability to enhance short, medium and long term memory and cognitive function.
Besides Ginkgo as a synergist should bee used Vitanox- Antioxidant which gives support to cardio-vascular system, connective tissue and immune system. This powerful herbal antioxidant formula strengthens and supports integrity of connective tissue, blood vessels walls, protect against environmental toxins and inhibit viral replication in the gut.
May be used in prevention and treatment of many degenerative conditions associated with age: arthritis, heart and cardio-vascular disease, cancer, macular degeneration, diabetes.
Garlic can be used as a primary help in cases of infection and for cardio-vascular support, it has anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet properties, can decrease total cholesterol, LDL- “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides, especially good for dysbiosis- condition that happens as a result of antibiotics treatment that makes “bad” bacteria in the to prevail.
Garlic is generally good for treatment of bacterial, viral, parasitic and fungal infections.
MediHerb Garlic has good coating of the tablets and will not be destroyed by acidic environment of the stomach- not all Garlic tablets are made like this one, that is why not all Garlic supplements are equal.
Grape seed extract and OPC were used in numerous clinical trials and demonstrated good results in treatment vascular pathology.
For example, 100mg/day of OPC was given to the elderly patients with capillary fragility and very good result were achieved in 67%, good results in 17% and moderate-13%.
Treatment with 150mg/day of OPC stabilized lesions in retina in 80% of elderly patients with diabetes. Treatments with pine bark had the same results.
For the treatment of venous problems and chronic venous insufficiency used Horsechestnut complex, it used for the treatment of varicosities, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, restless leg syndrome, edema, trigeminal neuralgia.
Grape seed extract significantly reduces edema and helps back flow of the blood-back to the heart.
Gotu Kola has ability to strengthen vascular wall, it improves synthesis of collagen, may decrease damage to the endothelium of blood vessels, improves microcirculation.
Butcher’s Broom- used in treatment of venous insufficiency for long period of time, it reduces leg volume, ankle and leg circumference, and makes legs not so heavy and tired.
Cardio-vascular disease is very common, many patients can be helped with supplements which will not give them dangerous side effects and in many cases will be very effective, less expensive and more physiological in the long run.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please, give me a call and I will be happy to help you.
Dr. Natalie