Natalie Mitlyansky, DC, ND, MD

Another Coq10

You all probably heard how good is CO-Q10, it is:
Converting carbs and fats into ATP energy, which is desperately needed for your heart, brain, for all your cells. It effectively suppresses free radicals which are known to damage cells and cause the signs of aging.
It makes your heart stronger, inhibits oxidation of 'bad” LDL cholesterol, promoting healthy blood pressure levels.
The CO-Q10 that most people take is called “Ubiquinone”, and it is very important for your health because it works intracellular- inside your cells, helping your heart, brain, and vitality.
But for CO-Q10 to be fully utilized by the body it should be converted into reduced form known as “Ubiqinol”. Up to age 40 body has no problems in converting ubiquinone to ubiquinol. But as you age this ability decreases. So when you take combination of both it helps because ubiquinol can work inside and outside your cell,and therefore you do not have to depend on ability of your body to convert ubiquinone to ubiquinol. Multiple studies have shown that Ubiquinol is much more bioavailable and absorbable. Doctor Mark Stengler, MD developed special formula called Revitalize Q Plus which consists off several health busting supplements besides both Ubiquinone and Ubiqunol.
1. Resveratrol is known as the secret behind the “French Paradox”. French eat a lot of fats and heavy meals, drink a lot of red wine and have low levels of cardio-vascular problems. Interest in resveratrol exploded in 2003 when Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School reported that resveratrol can activate “the longevity gene”called Sirtulin2. So Resveratrol helps promote heart health, brain function and reduction in factors causing inflammation. The truth is that you have to drink a case of red wine daily in order to get 100mg of resveratrol. The Linus Pauling Institute reports that one liter of red wine gives you only 2mg of resveratrol. The better source of resveratrol is plant called Japanese Knotweed which has one of the highest concentrations of resveratrol you can find in nature. Revitalize Q Plus has 100mg of resveratrol in one capsule.
2. OPC from grape seeds known as one of the most powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals .
In fact, OPC in grape seeds has antioxidant power that is 20 times greater then vitamin E and 50 times greater then Vitamin C. In addition, grape seed extract helps promote healthy blood vessels, vascular function and circulation. One capsule of Revitalize Q Plus has 100 mg of grape seed extract.
3. Alpha-lipoic acid: remarkable antioxidant that both water and fat soluble, so it helps inside and outside your cells, increasing the activity of other antioxidants.
4. Acai fruit extract: the tiny fruit from Brazilian palm tree with strong antioxidant properties.
5. Pomegranate fruit extract: The juice of this fruit was known since Biblical times, and it has antioxidant activity 3 times more that green tea and red wine.
6. Quercetin dihydrate: a flavonoid found in onions and apple skin that helps to prevent oxidation of “bad” LDL cholesterol.
7. Curcuma root: the root also known as turmeric can help promote healthy inflammatory response.

8. Co- Enzyme Q10, containing both Ubiquinone and Ubiqinol combination 100mg.

We are constantly under the physical, emotional, and environmental stress. This puts our bodies in the position where we have to fight oxidative stress caused by the free radicals damage every day. Revitalize Q Plus can offer us the protection we need to deal with everyday stress.
You can find information on Revitalize Q Plus on Health Science Institute website and order it from Best Health Nutritionals.
If you have any questions regarding this newsletter, please, feel free to call me at 610-277-3430 or 267-465-7556.

Natalie Mitlyansky D.C.,N.D.