Nancy Thorner, M.A., CCC
Free Preschool Screenings in Montgomery County Maryland
Free onsite Speech-Language Screenings are being offered by EarlySpeak, a pediatric Speech-Language therapy practice located in Damascus, Maryland.
Favorite App of the Week
Mask Jumble by piikea street

This is a free app that allows the child to see himself on the ipad screen and then superimpose funny masks onto his/her face. I have used this app with preschool kids and they love it. You can work on following simple directions, body part identification and expression, prepositions such as "on", "over", "under", adjectives, sentence formulation and much more. It can be used as a reward for good work or as a tool for language development.
Strategies to Improve Your Child's Speech
Is your child's speech difficult to understand? Is your child becoming frustrated at not being understood? If so, be sure to seek help from a licensed, ASHA certified, speech-language pathologist. You can help your child at home by modeling good speech and making sure your child looks at your face when speaking to him. Speak in short sentences to encourage your child to do the same to maximize effective communication.
If you don't understand what your child is saying but have an idea, provide a choice so that he/she can answer "yes"or "no"and decrease frustration. Focus on visible sounds first, such as "b", "p", "m" and associate the sounds with environmental sounds such as an engine, popping sound, etc.
Preschool Screenings
Please contact me to set up screenings at your site in upper Montgomery County, Maryland. There is no cost for these initial screenings to identify those children who demonstrate signs of delayed or disordered speech-language development. Early Intervention is crucial for success in overcoming communication impairments.