Body Being In Balance Massage
The Benefit of Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Myofacial Release for Liposuction.
The Dream of a Perfect Body!

If your dna doesn't give you the body you want or life’s travels has caused you to collect some extra luggage, Liposuction is one of the tools used to attain this dream. Along with this procedure comes a host of healing challenges such as; swelling, irregular texture and the regeneration of nerve impulses. A massage therapist trained in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Myofacial Release can be your best friend during this healing time.

Since 1997, I have worked with many clients during this journey. To assist in the recovery and education of patients, I want to share some of my "Discoveries in the treatment room"

Case #1 C. S.

C.S. is referred by a local plastic surgeon. She is 6 weeks post op with a great deal of swelling, irregular texture and pain.

The session, which would be normally 30 to 45 minutes, stretches to 1 hour. The fluids are moving slowly. During the initial consultation, C.S. shared about her breast cancer experience and the removal of lymph nodes. Following those years, she had several surgeries with no issue of lymphedema or slow healing.

I decided to focus on the auxiliary area where nodes had been removed. This began to allow the flow to pick up speed. At some point nodes can be compromised from having to carry a larger load over time.

The scar tissue, where the speculum was inserted, was dense and hard. In this area too, the fluid moved slowly. The slowing of the stroke by half allowed the fluids to find there way past the incisions and move to open unobstructed exits. The flow then quickened.

The sessions brought great relief from the present swelling and pain but within 2 days it returned. This is normal to a point, as MLD clears the excess, but to return to such an extent puzzled me.

After a few sessions the pain cleared enough that I began Myofacial release to loosen the scar tissue. This technique smoothed the darts left by the incisions and broke up the scar tissue. The return of the swelling lessened and healing was quickening.

The expected healing time was 3 weeks post surgery. After 6 weeks, there was minimal healing. C.S. total recovery time, 10 weeks. The amount of time is individual and with the added consideration of less lymph nodes, the body will get their when it’s ready!

When undertaking a body altering procedure, give your body as much time as it needs to recover and allow the new you to unfold sweetly!

Be Well
