Heather Irwin, MA, LMFT
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One Move Changes Everything

Hello and welcome, I am a firm believer that one move changes everything. Whether it is going back to school, deciding to have a child, leave a relationship or take the first step of calling a therapist for an appointment, your life will change in tremendous and amazing ways once you make that step. Sometimes you might go through some pain and discomfort first; I call it the dark nights of the soul. But after the pain comes not just growth, but bloom. Not just survival, but thriving. And clarity...and vision.

And by taking that first move, you change others. This is actually the only way you can exact change in others. We can't ever make the people we care about change...but something magical happens once you start to change. Just as the flow of water changes with even one tiny move by one small pebble...the people around you will start to change based on your change. With consistency and setting new boundaries, with being your most true and authentic self, the people around you will be changed too.

Let's start the move....let's be the change...let's allow magic to happen. One move changes everything.