Children's Counseling

If the normal course of secure attachment between parent and infant is disrupted, parent–infant psychotherapy is one technique that can be used to restore this bond. This technique requires a three-way relationship between the parent, child, and therapist. During the therapy sessions, the parent expresses his or her thoughts and feelings which are based on a combination of factors including: 1. The parent's experiences as a child 2. The parent's expectations and hopes for the child's future 3. The relationships the parent has with other people The therapist's role is as an observer and an interpreter of the interaction between the infant and the parent. He might share some of his thoughts about the behavior of the child with the parent and by doing so offering the parent an alternative way of experiencing the child. This technique helps the parent to resolve issues with his or her own infancy-experiences in order to restore secure attachment with the infant. And it helps lower the risk for psychopathological developments of the child in the future.

Play therapy can be divided into two basic types: non-directive and directive. Non-directive play therapy is a non-intrusive method in which children are encouraged to work toward their own solutions to problems through play. It is typically classified as a psychodynamic therapy. In contrast, directive play therapy is a method that includes more structure and guidance by the therapist as children work through emotional and behavioral difficulties through play. It often contains a behavioral component and the process includes more prompting by the therapist. Directive play therapy is more likely to be classified as a type of cognitive behavioral therapy. Both types of play therapy have received at least some empirical support.