Natalie Mitlyansky, DC, ND, MD

Individual Nutrition

Do you know what patients with depression, arthritis, autism, and asthma have in common?

They all are deficient in nutrients, so their body can not work properly. Patient with autism is not deficient in Ritalin, he is deficient in Omega-3 fatty acid for sure and some other nutrients. In order to determine patient's nutritional deficiency and correct it I use some blood tests, saliva tests and NRT. My certification in Functional Medicine enables me to do so.
NRT is an abbreviation for Nutrition Response Testing, which I use in the office beside with nutritional examination and Symptom Survey Form that filled out by the patient. I design individual nutritional programs using only whole food supplements ( not synthetic compounds that can not be assimilated by the body).
We all are different, we have different physiology, different genetic makeup, different past medical history. I do not believe in "one size fits all" approach, that is why two patients with the same complains may have different supplementation, because their physiology different and they need different nutrients to function properly. Using muscle testing I determine patient's need for specific supplement and daily dose. I use Standard Process, MediHerb and some supplements from Progressive, Innate and Douglas companies. There are some supplements made with animal products and some only vegetarian.
My goal is to give your body nutritional support that it is lacking. Every patient who is on nutritional program reports enhanced sense of well-being, more energy, better digestion, less gas, better memory and cognitive function, better sleep. If you have any questions, please, call me. My first consultation is free.

Natalie Mitlyansky D.C.,N.D.