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Dr. Matthew Paldy - Big Apple Counseling
Find a Therapist or Wellness Provider in Ada, MI 49357
Matthew Carlson, LLPC, MFR
Mental Health Counselor / Therapist
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
47.6 miles away
Get Ready Stay Ready
I like to work with rough characters that are stressed and depressed but are searching for peace and purpose in life. I understand how trauma and addictions affect life and change the way we see and understand the world. I offer faith-based counseling if requested. I specialize in skills that help prepare people adapt and overcome repeated trauma in the workplace a
Horizons Developmental Resource Center
Mental Health Counselor / Therapist
Caledonia, MI 49316
11.5 miles away
Evaluation and Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Autism Spectrum, ADHD, Learning Issues, Behavior Disorders
The Horizons Developmental Resource Center has a multidisciplinary team of psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, family consultants, and educators specializing in diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, and many more. Our team utilizes innovative research-based appr
Ruth L. Eichler, LMSW
Mental Health Counselor / Therapist
Kalamazoo, MI 49007
45.9 miles away
Imago Relationship Therapy
Living Your Best Life
If you are in a relationship or a marriage and wish more tools to effectively and lovingly connect in meaningful ways, I can assist you. I am a certified Imago Relationship Therapist (advanced clinician). If you are an individual wish to move to a better state of emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing and to move through issues, I am happy to assist you with a
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