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Dr. Matthew Paldy - Big Apple Counseling
Find a Therapist or Wellness Provider in Springdale, WA 99173
Debra Meehl, DD, Shaman
Holistic Healer
0 miles away
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Intensively Trained in DBT (Dialectial Behavioral Therapy)
Shaman trained in Psilocybin Mushrooms for PTSD Trauma
Debra Meehl is a plant shaman and specialize in entheogenic medicines for soul-deep, whole-person healing. This includes soul loss and soul retrieval due to childhood and adult trauma and PTSD. We hold 3-day all inclusive Psilocybin retreats for PTSD and Trauma. However, many of our guest come just to experience the wonderment of the Universal Creative Life Forc
Ken Holm, LMP CPT
Alternative Therapist / Holistic Healer
Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026
18.6 miles away
Expert in Remote Healing
Clear Point Therapy is a multidimensional energetic clearing that has helped both of us clear health issues that regular medicine could not. Clearing the body of reacting energies generated by emotions, fears, thoughts, beliefs, and memories is an essential part of healing and rejuvenation. Energy work is familiar to many and new to others. It is ancient me
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