
Alternative Therapist / Holistic Healer in Port Jefferson, NY

Advanced Hypnotherapy

Advanced Hypnotherapy | Alternative Therapist / Holistic Healer photo
Hypnosis and Body/Mind Services for Adults and Children
Start Transforming Your Life Today!
Choosing a qualified hypnotherapist is one of the important decisions you can make. You want a professional who is caring, well educated, and experienced, someone who is willing to listen and take the time to go over all of your options and treat you as an individual.

At this practice of counseling and hypnotherapy, we pride ourselves on providing quality service and offer a knowledgeable staff, to provide safe and proven technologies, and the latest in modern mind-body health. If you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.

"Almost no condition is out of bounds when it comes to the effective use of hypnotherapy."
-- Dr. Andrew Weil
Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Hypno-Anaesthesia Therapist
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner and Certified Instructor.
Cynthia Lindner is an experienced certified hypnotherapist with over 20 years of experience working in the mental health professions, currently with a successful private practice on Long Island, NY. She has specific expertise in applying the complementary modalities of guided imagery, hypnosis, and biofeedback for the purpose of attaining wellness, self-improvement, and with Doctor's referral, relief of pain and symptoms. Cynthia has taught workshops at international conferences, and has written several published articles on the subject of hypnosis. She provides services to adults and children, individuals and couples. Cynthia has a talent for using mind-body techniques to enhance the effectiveness of the standard therapeutic process.
President 2002-2004, American Psychotherapy and Medical Hypnosis Association
Board of Directors, New York State Hypnotherapy Association
International Society for Mental Health Online
National Federation for Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Payments Accepted
Cash, Check, Visa, Mastercard.
Hours:By appointment flexible times
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Alternative / Holistic Healing  Hypnotherapy