
Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Cottonwood Heights, UT

Green Team Doctors | Utah Medical Marijuana Doctors

Green Team Doctors | Utah Medical Marijuana Doctors | Alternative Medicine Practitioner photo
Speak with a licensed Utah Qualified Medical Provider (QMP)
Are you suffering from Pain, Crohn’s, Cancer, Hep-C, PTSD or a medical condition that makes it difficult living your day-by-day? These are just a few of the most common symptoms which qualify under Utah's Medical Marijuana program. Suffer no longer & get a Utah medical marijuana recommendation by allowing us at Green Team Doctors to assist in getting you qualified & providing you a certified recommendation! Not sure if you qualify for a medical marijuana recommendation? Chances are, YOU DO! In Utah, medical records are NOT required to get approved. With more than 150 years of combined medical experience while helping communities overcome the opioid epidemic, we're a coalition of QMPs dedicated to serving our patients for the greater good!
Payments Accepted
Cash, cheque, debit, visa, diner's club, discover, master card, american express
Hours:Tuesday : 09:00 - 14:00 Thursday : 12:00 - 17:00 Friday : 10:00 - 17:00
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Alternative / Holistic Healing  Heliotherapy
 Alexander Technique  Homoeopathic Medicine
 Aromatherapy  Hydrotherapy
 Astrology  Hypnotherapy
 Auricular Acupuncture  Informational Medicine
 Auricular Therapy  Intuitive / NLP Counseling
 Ayurveda  Ion Detox Therapy
 Balance Method Acupuncture  Japanese Style Acupuncture
 Biofeedback  Korean Hand Acupuncture
 Bodywork  Laboratory Testing
 Bowenwork  Life Coaching
 Chi-Akra / Facial Acupuncture  Lifestyle Counseling
 Chinese Herbal Medicine  Lymphedema Therapy
 Chinese Medicine  Magnetotherapy
 Chiropractic  Master Tung's Acupuncture
 Classical Acupuncture (Five-Element)  Moxibustion
 Classical Acupuncture (Van Nghi)  Native American Herbology
 Classical Acupuncture (Yuen)  Naturopathic Medicine
 Colon Therapy  Neuromodulation Technique (NMT)
 Color Therapy  Polarity Therapy
 Core Synchronism  Psychic Readings
 Cosmetic Acupuncture  Qigong
 Craniosacral Therapy  Quantum-Touch
 Cupping  Reflexology
 Dietary Therapy and Nutrition  Regression Therapies
 EFT/Meridian Tapping  Reiki
 Electro-Acupuncture  Shamanism
 Energy Bodywork  Shiatsu (Acupressure)
 Energy Healing  SomatoEmotional Release
 Energy Modalities  Sound Healing
 Expressive Art Processes  Tai Chi Chuan
 Expressive Arts Therapy  Tarot Reading and Mediumship
 Feldenkrais Method  Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
 Flower Essences - Bach  Trager Approach / Movement Reeducation
 Flower Essences - FES  Tuina
 Gem Therapy  Voice Healing
 Gua Sha  Zero-Balancing
 Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (N.D.)  Medical Doctor (M.D.)
6975 South Union Park Ave.
Suite 600