
Acupuncturist in Anaheim, CA

David Stephenson, DDS

David Stephenson, DDS | Acupuncturist photo
David L. Stephenson DDS
David Stephenson DDS
I have a general dental practice with an emphasis on prevention. The goal is learning to control your health and have the lowest of dental costs.

I am also a licensed acupuncturist. I use auricular acupuncture to help general medical pain syndromes. A suitable examination by your physician is required prior to acupuncture.
University of Southern California school of Dentistry. University of Health Sciences for Acupuncture.

Board certified in Dentistry and Acupuncture by the state of California
ADA, CDA. CALIF. ACUP. ASSN. Certified in Auricular Acupuncture.
Payments Accepted
All normal methods
Hours:7:30 AM to 3:00 PM
License:17186 (Dentistry, AC 1393 (Acupuncture)
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Acupuncture / Alternative Medicine  Electro-Acupuncture
 Auricular Acupuncture  Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
 Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.)