
Chiropractor in Atlanta, GA

Dennis Scales, D.C.

Dennis Scales, D.C. | Chiropractor photo
I Can Help Your Pain and Injuries. I've Been Helping People
Get Their Lives Free of Pain for 30 Yrs. I Know I Can Help
Come experience a non rushed, non force healing technique that has helped many diffgerent diagnosis and diseases improve. I've been in the business of helping people back to health for 30 yrs. I constantly strive to find a faster and more permanent solution to all the dysfunctions you may be experiencing. Contrary to what you may have been told,you don't have to live with it. What are you willing to change to get back to health? If you keep doing all the things you've been doing, you are going to keep getting what you have been getting. Something has to change for change to occur in your present situation. Come work with me and see what a differnence we can make in your life.
Grdauate of Life Chiropractic College 1979. Liscensed in Georgia 1980.
I've been liscensed and practicing in the state of Georgia for 30 yrs. I focus originally on pain removal. After that is accomplished we focus on restoring helth and wellnes, not merely the abscence of pain and disease. I have experience with all spinal and extremity situations. I take continuing education courses every year that focus on restoring the entire body back to health and the techniques to achieve this goal. If you have been to other Chiropractors and were not satisfied, don't give up. You can be helped or I'll tell you up front if it won't work for you.
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Chiropractic  Joint Pain
 Accidents and Injuries  Knee Pain
 Acute and Chronic Pain  Neck Pain / Whiplash
 Arthritis  Nerve Pain / Sciatica
 Back Pain  Numbness / Tingling in Arms or Feet
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  Pinched Nerves
 Disc Herniation  Posture / Balance Problems
 Fibromyalgia  Repetitive Stress Injuries
 Foot and Ankle Injuries  Scoliosis
 Headache  Shoulder / Arm / Elbow Pain
 Hip Pain  Spinal Decompression
 Jaw Pain / TMJ Disorders  Sports Injuries
 Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)  Licensed Chiropractor (State)
50 EWxecutive Pk. So. N.E.
Suite 5005
AtlantaGA 30329