
Mental Health Counselor / Therapist in Denver, CO

Integrative Psychotherapy And Nutrition Counseling

Integrative Psychotherapy And Nutrition Counseling | Mental Health Counselor / Therapist photo
Danielle Carron is a Licensed Professional Counselor who works as an integrative practitioner combining Contemplative Psychotherapy, Mindfulness and Awareness, Somatic Experiencing ® / Trauma Healing, Functional Neurology, Play Therapy and Holistic Nutrition to help support her clients in their individual journey of transformation, growth and optimal health. She works with children and adults and believes in treating each individual holistically.

Danielle Carron is the founder of Integrative Psychotherapy and Nutrition Counseling. Her philosophy is integrative, meaning that she believes the discomfort or symptoms causing people to seek therapy may not be just in their mind, but can arise from their body, physiology, biochemistry, spirit, soul, and/or nutrition. Danielle is trained to recognize and test for the various reasons why people develop such symptoms as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, hypervigilance, ADD, ADHD, addictions, eating disorders, and/or attachment challenges. Her approach is to help people find and address the cause of their suffering rather than to treat the symptoms themselves. Danielle utilizes effective natural approaches to healing that support the body’s own ability to bring about balance and health. Her intention is to educate and assist people in reclaiming their heath, well being, and independence.
MA - Contemplative Psychotherapy
MS - Holistic Nutrition
LPC - Licensed Professional Counselor
SEP - Somatic Experiencing Practitioner/Trauma Resolution (with additional training in Attachment as well as Sexual Trauma).
*Currently participating in a year long training in Functional Neurology
American Counseling Association
Payments Accepted
cash, check, or victims compensation
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Therapy  Learning Disabilities
 Addiction  Life Transitions
 Anger Management  Loneliness
 Anxiety and Panic  Marriage & Family Therapy
 Asperger's Syndrome  Marriage Counseling
 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
 Body Image Issues  Online / Teletherapy
 Caregiver Issues  Play Therapy
 Children's Counseling  Pre and Postpartum Mental Health
 Chronic Illness  Relationship Issues
 Couples  Self-Esteem Issues
 Depression  Seniors and Elder Care Issues
 Divorce  Stress Management
 Eating Disorders  Trauma and PTSD
 Grief and Loss  Work and Career Issues
 Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Dr. Matthew Paldy - Big Apple Counseling