
Chiropractor in Towanda, PA

John Cox, D.C.

John Cox, D.C. | Chiropractor photo
You Can Feel Better Today!
Dr. John R. Cox, Chiropractic and Rehabilitation
Dr. Cox opened his office in July 2007, and continues to serve Bradford County using the latest chiropractic techniques along with exercise rehabilitation. Dr. Cox accepts most insurances, including workers compensation and personal injury (auto).
Dr. Cox received a Diplomate from the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board (ACRB) in November 2006, and is considered a board certified rehabilitation specialist. Dr. Cox will create an exercise program that will correct poor postures. You will stand taller, breath better, and a live a healthier life.
Dr. Cox uses a "whole person approach". This approach to wellness means looking for underlying causes of any disturbance or disruption (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time) and make whatever interventions and lifestyle adjustments that would optimize the conditions for normal function. Using this unique approach, Dr. Cox is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.
Payments Accepted
Insurance, Cash Check
License:DC007394L - PA
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Chiropractic  Neck Pain / Whiplash
 Accidents and Injuries  Nerve Pain / Sciatica
 Acute and Chronic Pain  Numbness / Tingling in Arms or Feet
 Back Pain  Pinched Nerves
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  Posture / Balance Problems
 Disc Herniation  Repetitive Stress Injuries
 Foot and Ankle Injuries  Shoulder / Arm / Elbow Pain
 Hip Pain  Sports Injuries
 Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)  Diplomate American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board (DACRB)