Linnette Beck, AP, DOM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM)
Passionate Healer and Educator
Beck Natural Medicine
Beck Natural Medicine is a health and wellness research institute dedicated to state-of-the-art healing modalities from around the world
We have a truly holistic -- body, mind, spirit -- approach to wellness.
Our practice incorporates the best of East and West medicine:
Functional Medicine, Nutritional Biochemistry, Genomics/Epigenetics
Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS/EAV), Homeopathy, EVOX, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Auricular Therapy (ear acupuncture), Ba Gau Fa (cupping)
* University of Illinois - B.S. Business Administration (1984)
* Florida Institute of Technology - M.B.A. (1986)
* Florida Institute of Technology - M.S. Management (1989)
* Shanghai Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Acupuncture Physician Diploma (1995)
* British Institute of Homeopathy - Diploma of the Institute of Homeopathy (1996)
* Acupuncture - Acupressure Institute - The Open International University for Complementary Medicine - [Insert Link] Oriental Medical Doctorate (1997)
* Saint Martin's College and American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorders - Certified Additional Professional (1997)
Founder of Beck Natural Medicine University
Linnette M. Beck, AP, DOM, Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), is a primary care physician focused on finding root-cause solutions to chronic illness in her patients. She has a practice at the Beck Natural Medicine Center in Melbourne, Florida specializing in toxin-induced syndromes. Linnette implements therapies based on leading-edge research in biochemistry and biophysics. Her insatiable passion with the topic of detoxification has spanned 18 years, initially sparked by her own life-threatening neurological illness. A licensed Acupuncture Physician in Florida, Linnette is nationally board certified as a Diplomate in Acupuncture (NCCAOM), and is a graduate of the Institute of Functional Medicine's Applied Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice program (AFMCP). She received her Acupuncture Physician diploma from the Shanghai Institute of Chinese Medicine (1995). She holds numerous certifications in Acupuncture, German biological medicine, homeopathy, homotoxicology, functional medicine, electro-dermal screening (EDS/EAV), and addictionology. In 2008 her clinic was cited as one of USA's first clinics to earn the functional medicine certified designation of Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Center of Excellence. In 2008 she was awarded Brevard County's "Innovative Physician of the Year" by Conscious Living Partnership. In addition to her medical-related training, she holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) (1984), a MBA (1986) and M.S. Management (1989) from Florida Institute of Technology. She spends her free time studying medical topics, lecturing to community/physician groups, exercising and dancing. She's been nicknamed "The Phoenix".
Institute of Functional Medicine
Florida State Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Association (FSOMA)
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Payments Accepted
cash, check, credi cards
Hours:Monday - Friday by appointment only
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
Alternative / Holistic Healing
Homoeopathic Medicine
Energy Bodyworker
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