
Mental Health Counselor / Therapist in Frederick, MD

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Michael Foster, MA

Michael Foster, MA | Mental Health Counselor / Therapist photo
Spiritual Therapy to Transform Your Inner
Demons to Inner Angels
Anger is just energy we generate when there is a difference between what we want and what we have. There are two types of anger, corrosive anger and authentic anger. Corrosive anger is just energy to change what is, to something worse. Corrosive anger is just unhealthy energy and the ultimate source of our lack of health, abundance and joy. Authentic anger is just energy to change what is, to something better. Authentic anger is just healthy energy and can produce a Garden of Eden on our planet.

My publications and coaching are concerned with helping to make you aware of how you can choose to transform your corrosive energy into your authentic healing energy. You can then choose to live a better life, on your journey to the life of your dreams. Only hire me when you are ready to find out how to transform your corrosive energy into useful authentic healing energy to do what you really want to do at your highest levels. Only hire me when you are ready to be grateful and responsible for your own past and present results.

One of the major premises of my publications and coaching is that we are totally responsible for our own results from our own decisions. We are the ones who decide what to accept, reject or modify from others. We are the ones who got ourselves to where we are and have made countless previous decisions, including how to respond to the decisions of others.

My responsibility is to write and tell what I know has worked for me and some others in my experiences and what I believe so far. I only know what works best for me and some others. You will need to determine what works best for you, since everyone is unique. It is up to you, to find your own inner and outer team resources and your own choice of your spiritual growth path.

When you need medical or other information, please go to the medical or other experts of your choice. I am not here for direction, I am just producing information for your consideration and choice. My emphasis is on spiritual health, wealth, and happiness. What happens on the physical level may be or may not be as rapid as what happens on the spiritual level.
Payments Accepted
cash, check
What ever you make an hour
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Therapy  Group Therapy
 Addiction  Hypnotherapy
 Adolescents  Learning Disabilities
 Anger Management  Life and Wellness Coaching
 Anxiety and Panic  Life Transitions
 Asperger's Syndrome  Loneliness
 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)  Marriage & Family Therapy
 Bicultural Difficulties  Marriage Counseling
 Body Image Issues  Men's Issues
 Caregiver Issues  Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
 Chronic Illness  Online / Teletherapy
 Couples  Pre and Postpartum Mental Health
 Depression  Relationship Issues
 Divorce  Self-Esteem Issues
 Domestic Violence  Seniors and Elder Care Issues
 Eating Disorders  Sexual Dysfunction
 Educational Therapy  Stress Management
 Gay or Lesbian Issues  Trauma and PTSD
 Gifted / Talented Issues  Women's Issues
 Grief and Loss  Work and Career Issues
 Master's Degree in Social Work (MSW)
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