
Physical Therapist in Bridgeport, CT

Tara Collins, PT, IMT.C, CSCS

Tara Collins, PT, IMT.C, CSCS | Physical Therapist photo
Black Rock Physical Therapy LLC
We specialize in combining advanced manual therapy and functional exercise to increase function and potential.
Appointments are one hour one-on-one with a licensed physical therapist with over 20 years of experience.
Conditions we treat include fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, migraines, gastrointestinal issues and bladder/bowel disorders as well as more traditional orthopedic issues.
Some of the treatment techniques we utilize include integrative manual therapy, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, muscle energy techniques and joint, visceral and neural mobilization as well as casting for orthotics, agility and plyometric training, trunk stabilization and vestibular rehabilitation.

We also share space and philosophies with the Black Rock Pilates Studio, a fully certified and equipped Pilates Studio which opened in 2004.
UConn B.S. Allied Health/Physical Therapy 1989
Certified in Integrative Manual Therapy 2006
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist - NSCA since 2001
Currently living in the Black Rock section of Bridgeport CT and working for myself.
Other Languages
Spanish (some)
Payments Accepted
Cash, Check, Medicare, Anthem BC/BS
Hours:MWF 8-4, TuTh 1-9, Sat AM as needed
License:#004078 CT
Helpful Links
Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Physical Therapy  Lymphedema
 Cardiovascular and Pulmonary  Oncology
 Clinical Electrophysiology  Orthopaedics
 Geriatric  Pediatrics
 Hand Rehabilitation  Sports
 Home Health Care
 Certified and Licensed Physical Therapist (APTA)