
Massage Therapist in Springfield, LA

Springfield Wellness Center

Springfield Wellness Center | Massage Therapist photo
Neurodegenerative Disease Treatment Springfield
Springfield Wellness Center help people to get relief and treatment for their addictions.We are a certified mental health clinic providing traditional psychotherapy and nutritional intravenous BR+ NAD detox treatment in a safe and caring environment.Our medical detox program can provide the most comprehensive and supportive environment during all stages of alcohol withdrawal and detox.
Neurodegenerative diseases are accompanied by chronic viral infections, which may result in an increase of neurodegenerative diseases progression, emerged. Neurodegenerative diseases are chronic degenerative pathologies of the Central Nervous System characterized by progressive loss of specific neurons that lead to a decline in brain functions.his includes diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease,Alzheimer’s and CTE.At Springfield Wellness Center, Our training program prepares physicians and mental health practitioners to provide the highest measure of care with the intravenous application of Brain Restoration or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (BR+/NAD).
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Massage Therapy  Neuromuscular Massage
 Acupressure  Oncology Massage
 Aromatherapy  Orthopedic Massage
 Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy  Pet Massage
 Ayurvedic Bodywork  Pilates
 Bodywork  Positional Release Therapy
 Bowenwork  Pregnancy Massage
 Core Synchronism  Quantum-Touch
 Corporate Chair Massage  Reflexology
 Craniosacral Therapy  Reiki
 Deep Tissue Massage  Shiatsu
 EFT/Meridian Tapping  SomatoEmotional Release
 Geriatric Massage  Sports Massage
 Hawaiian Temple Massage  Structural Integration
 Hot Stone Massage  Swedish Massage
 Infant Massage  Thai Yoga Massage
 Ion Detox Therapy  Trigger Point Massage
 Manual Lymph Drainage  Vascular Manipulation
 Maya Abdominal Massage  Visceral Manipulation
 Medical Massage  Yoga Therapy
 Myofascial Release  Zero Balancing