Acupuncturist in Albuquerque, NM
Christina Rogers, DOM | Acupuncturist photo
Christina Rogers, DOM
Specializing in pain management
Facial Rejuvenation, Body Sculpting, and Weight Loss
8005 Pennsylvania Circle NE   
AlbuquerqueNM 87110
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Practice Information
Best Life Acupuncture is concerned with the whole person, we do not isolate your body into components, we treat for whole body and mind health. Our goal is to help you live the best life possible!

Alternative facial treatments boost the circulation of blood and energy to the face to rebuild connective tissue, which causes a localized increase in collagen and elastin proteins. This helps lines and wrinkles to soften and fill out, and improves skin tone. You will look like yourself, not mask like or frozen. The body therapies utilize natural substances, not harsh chemicals that cause many unwanted side effects.

Inner health reflects outer beauty and a wonderful aspect of Alternative Aesthetics is that it treats all levels of the mind and body. Many people notice a dramatic shift in their health during the course of treatment. By strengthening internal weaknesses your health and vitality are optimized, and that will reflect in your face, body, and mind.
 Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM)
 National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
 Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
License Info
643Rx1, New Mexico
International Institute of Chinese Medicine - Master of Oriental Medicine
Albuquerque, NM, December 1999

University New Mexico - Bachelor of Arts, Communication
Albuquerque, NM, July 1988

University New Mexico - Bachelor of University Studies
Albuquerque, NM, May 1987
Dr. Rogers graduated from the International Institute of Chinese Medicine in December 1999. During her schooling she did an internship at Health South Rehabilitation Hospital, and studied at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chengdu, China. She continued her education after graduation with the Academy of Advanced Integrative Medicine and received Rx 1 training. This licensure allows her to inject certain natural substances, including Vitamin B-12 and homeopathic remedies.

She has extensive training in Alternative Cosmetic Procedures and has studied with Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, Martha Lucas, Ping Zheng, and Kiko Matsumoto. She was also trained by Nicoletta Frasca, Juan Carlos Mendez, and Bruce Shelton in the field of cosmetic mesotherapy.
Payments Accepted
cash, check, visa, mastercard
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Acupuncture / Alternative Medicine
 Auricular Acupuncture
 Dr. Tan's Balance Method
 Chi-Akra / Facial Acupuncture
 Chinese Herbal Medicine
 Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
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