Chiropractor in Naples, FL
Daniel P. Hillis, DC | Chiropractor photo
Daniel P. Hillis, DC
Biomedical Blood Testing Applied to Your Problem
Pain Relief Center, P.A.
5500 Bryson Drive, #303   
NaplesFL 34109
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Practice Information
Dr. Hillis' practice cares for many people who have "been everywhere" and have not really been helped to find adequate solutions for their conditions. We emphasize blood laboratory testing, hormonal, and allergy/sensitivity testing for many cases. The importance of carefully listening to the full story of how your problems really developed, according to your best understanding is considered very important. The common denominators of biologic stress as it has occurred in your life is of concern. There are many clues that may be missed if detailed attention to your whole story is not afforded to you. Thoroughness is a virtue here.

Highly organized therapeutic considerations are made regarding your treatment. Applied Kinesiology, SacroOccipital Technique, Cranial Technique, Metabolic Blood Chemistry, Functional Neurology and nerve tracing for viscero-somatic pathways are all integrated with traditional diagnostics to complete the analysis of your specific problems to often elucidate previously unknown insights into your condition.

Those in pain and with complicated cases can relax and expect to be treated with expertise and comfort while helping them accomplish their goals. If your condition has gone way to far for this help, or if you really need a certain kind of specialist, Dr Hillis will not hesitate to advise you. We want the best for you.
 Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
License Info
City College of New York - BS in Psychology
Columbia Institute of Chiropractic, NYC-Doctor of Chiropractic Degree
Completion of Post-Graduate program in Chiropractic Neurology at NYCC
Completion of 100's of hours of training in Applied Kinesiology, Sacro Occipital Technique, Cranial Technique, Functional Medicine conferences, Advanced Training in NeuroEmotional Technque, Clinical Nutrition, and many other clinical areas of clinical training
Dr. Hillis has been a chiropractic physician practicing comprehensive alternative health care and diagnostics for over 30 years. He started in the New York City area with his first solo office in Fort Lee, New Jersey. He went to City College of New York and has a BS in psychology, and then went to Columbia Institute of Chiropractic where he recieved the Doctor of Chiropractic degree. He studied in a post-doctoral program in chiropractic neurology for 3 years at New York Chiropractic College Post-Graduate Center in Levitown, Long Island, NY. He has mastered the integration of neurology and nutrition in a practical manner with a hands-on and laboratory based practice. He enjoys working with complex cases like fibromyalgia, chronic headaches not clearing up under medical or prior chiropractic care, autism, hormonal imbalance conditions, adrenal and thyroid stress conditions, hidden allergy, celiac, wheat and dairy, and other hidden food- related disorders, menopausal problems, as well as biochemical/biostructural underpinnings of mood and emotional problems including neurotransmitter measurements. The application of physiological concepts in functional neurology to visceral conditions often makes the difference in finding helpful keys in solving the clinical problem and bringing success where there was none. Dr. Hillis' experience being the oldest of six, and having five children has rounded out his life experience.
Payments Accepted
Visa/MC/Amex, BCBS of FL, Teachers/Nurses/Hospital/Sheriff's Insur, Auto Insur.
Weekdays, 10AM to 6PM
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Acute and Chronic Pain
 Disc Herniation
 Jaw Pain / TMJ Disorders
 Nerve Pain / Sciatica
 Numbness / Tingling in Arms or Feet
 Posture / Balance Problems
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