Featurning the latest state of the art Chiropractic procedures, Physical therapy, nutrition, massage, acupuncture. Finger-print exam. SOT, Impulse, Activator, Segmental drop. The cure for all disease is to just get healthy. We look at your spine like a snow-flake. Never before been seen, and never to be seen again. Keep your spine aligned, so you're feeling fine. We treat neck and lower back pain, disc problems, TMJ, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, sciatica, knee pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow,headaches, plantar fasciitis. You don't lose energy because you get old, but you get old, because you first lose your energy. How do you get it back? Your diet, life-style, nutrition, and structure (brain and spinal cord). You nervous system is the master system in the body, which controls every cell, organ and muscle in the body. |