Chiropractor in Ringgold, GA
Joshua Paxton, B.S., D.C. | Chiropractor photo
Joshua Paxton, B.S., D.C.
Whats Your Health Potential?
Paxton Family Chiropractic
94 Helpful Place   
RinggoldGA 30736
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Practice Information
We are a family focused practice driven towards health and wellness. We care for all people of all ages and have a certain interest in pregnant mothers and children! We have an energetic atmosphere always makes certain that the patient comes first! We are 110% dedicated to ensuring health for the whole family! We offer chiropractic/nervous system optumization, physioloical therapeutics, nutritional counseling, full body detoxification, and a friendly hug and warm smile when needed!

We are located right next to the new Ace Hardware in Ringgold next to the Food Lion grocery store on the corner of Poplar Springs Rd and HWY 151/Alabama HWY.

Come ready and expecting to challenge the question - What's YOUR Health Potential? You'll see the difference!
 Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.)
 Licensed Chiropractor (State)
License Info
GA Chiro08675
Coosa Valley Tech - Emergency Medical Technician Cert. - 2003
Life University College of Arts and Sciences - Bachlors of Science - Nutrition
Life University School of Chiropractic - Doctor of Chiropractic - 2010
Dr. Paxton uses a "whole person approach." This approach to wellness means first looking for underlying causes of any disturbances or disruptions (which may or may not be causing symptoms at the time). Next, this approach includes making necessary interventions and lifestyle adjustments which will optimize the conditions for normal function. Using this unique approach, Dr. Paxton is able to help you to accelerate and/or maintain your journey to good health.

Dr. Josh is a native of Rome, GA where he grew up as a chiropractic kid, being adjusted just moments after birth. Dr. Josh's father and brother are both chiropractors! He is married to the woman of his dreams, Jessica, and has an amazing, healthy, and well-adjusted baby boy, Caleb. He also has two mixed-bread dogs who are treated all too much like real children! Dr. Josh graduated from Life University college of undergraduate studies, in Marietta, GA with a B.S. degree in nutrition; this was key in helping Dr. Josh understand all he understands today about healthy dietary habits to create optimal wellness. He then continued on at Life University to the College of Chiropractic where he obtained his doctorate (D.C.) in chiropractic. Dr. Josh also holds an Emergency Medical Technician license from Coosa Valley Tech in Rome, GA. When combined with his experience, Dr. Josh's training makes him well-versed in the human body and what it takes to reach true, optimal health. On that note- we here at Paxton Family Chiropractic operate under perhaps a different definition of wellness than the ones to which you may be accustomed. Come- let us show you! It will undoubtedly be the best health decision you've ever made! You truly can live healthier than you ever dreamed possible. "What's YOUR Health Potential?"
Payments Accepted
Cash, check, insurance, credit cards, care credit, financing
M-TH 8-12:30, 2:30-6; F 8-12:30, 2:30-4:30
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Practice Areas/Issues Treated
 Accidents and Injuries
 Acute and Chronic Pain
 Back Pain
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
 Disc Herniation
 Foot and Ankle Injuries
 Hip Pain
 Jaw Pain / TMJ Disorders
 Joint Pain
 Knee Pain
 Neck Pain / Whiplash
 Nerve Pain / Sciatica
 Numbness / Tingling in Arms or Feet
 Pinched Nerves
 Posture / Balance Problems
 Repetitive Stress Injuries
 Shoulder / Arm / Elbow Pain
 Sports Injuries
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