Have you found yourself feeling lost in the whirlwind of day to day life; sleepwalking through it all in a haze? Career, kids, chores, bills & responsibilities have enslaved you and in the few moments you actually get your brain to yourself, do you wonder, Who am I? What about me? What is my truth? How do I authentically want to live? Do I even know who I am? Lonely, bored, sad and living in a sea of chaos, you are sparked (or kicked) into awareness but have no idea where to start AND I feel guilty even thinking this way? There is hope! (And you don't have to feel guilty!) If you learn to strip away the labels; Career woman, Girlfriend, Wife, Ex-Wife, Mother, Step-Mother, Daughter, Sister, Empty Nester, or for some, Widow, we are often left asking, "Who am I and how did I get here?!?!" You have started already by having awareness that something needs to change. Now, let's get going so that you can concretely take small action steps in small amounts of time, to actively find yourself, your truth, and have balance and happiness in your life. If you are ready to take action, give me a call today to get started! Call me today for a FREE 15 minute consultation and let's book an |