Brenda Bomgardner, LPC, BCC, ACS
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On the Bright Side

Are you an optimist? There are advantages to looking on the bright side of things. According to Taki Sharot optimists have better mental and physical health. You can read her article The Optimism Bias to learn more.

1.Give Thanks: Tell others what you’re grateful for says Terry Paulson, Ph. D., author of The Optimism Advantage. When you share positivity, “the energy changes.” You can learn more from his blog post, 20 Tips to Claim Your Optimism Advantage.
2.Keep Moving: Stay physically and mentally active, advises Margie Warrell, author of Find Your Courage.” Otherwise, moods can spiral downward,” she says.
3.Focus Forward: Lofty aims improve your outlook, says Martin Seligman, Ph. D., author of Flourish.

Creating a life beyond loss and trauma allows a person to move towards a life of dreams and fulfillment. You can check out more reading on optimism at The Mariold Associates: Flourishing 101 is good.

Do you look for the silver lining in a cloud? I am interested in your outlook on life. If you have not guessed, I am an optimist and I would love to know who you are.

Warm Regards, Brenda