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Dr. Matthew Paldy - Big Apple Counseling
Exercise Therapist in New York City
Ariane Hundt, M.S. Nutrition
Fitness / Exercise Therapist
New York City, NY 10019
The Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp is a challenging one-hour class that will take you across the one-mile long Brooklyn Bridge and back. During intermittent stops we work the entire body with moves that bring about a lean and defined body. • Burn up to 800 calories per hour • Have a changed body in 5 sessions • Tone your arms and abs, slenderize your hips and thighs,
Ildiko Biro
Personal Training Center
New York City, NY 10023
Body Mind Balance
FitNox is a New York City based In-Home Personal Training Company founded by ILDIKO BIRO, with New Yorkers in mind. FitNox is committed to help and inspire You to adopt a healthier lifestyle and improve the quality of Your daily living. It’s a small company with great features in a big city whit a perpetual changing life. In FitNox every move we design, every advice
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